The Basement Doctor Joins the Forever Foundation Repair Family!
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Waterproof Your Basement | The Basement Doctor



A wet crawl space can cause long-term problems for your home. Water in your crawl space can lead to mold, rotted floor joists, pests that thrive in damp spaces, and musty air in your home.

Luckily, The Basement Doctor Columbus offers comprehensive wall repair. We will set your walls back in place, fix basement wall cracks, repair sagging floors, and stabilize your home. Through our variety of proven and tested foundation repair products, we can ensure your family’s safety.

  • Leaning or bowed walls
  • Cracked foundation walls or cracked basement walls
  • Sagging or uneven floors
  • Floor cracks

Cracked basement walls? Leaning foundation? Contact our highly-skilled foundation team at The Basement Doctor at 614-488-8324 today to schedule a FREE home inspection. Financing options are also available!

Repairing a leaning wall is not a simple DIY project. Foundation wall repair requires specialized training and an awareness of how homes work and support their weight. Luckily, Basement Doctor Columbus has a team of experts who can analyze, understand, and resolve your foundation walls repairs.
Repairing a leaning wall is not a simple DIY project. Foundation wall repair requires specialized training and

  • Leaning or bowed walls
  • Cracked foundation walls or cracked basement walls
  • Sagging or uneven floors
Repairing a leaning wall is not a simple DIY project. Foundation wall repair requires specialized training and an awareness of how homes work and support their weight. Luckily, Basement Doctor Columbus has a team of experts who can analyze, understand, and resolve your foundation walls repairs.


Alarm – An alarm can alert you to any internal failings, such as a power outage, and allow you to respond before your basement floods
Sump Liner  – A liner reduces the risk of clogs caused by pests and debris. Additionally, a liner provides protection in the form of heavy-duty, reinforced plastic
Sump Lid  – An airtight lid keeps odors and humidity out. Furthermore, a cap offers added protection from debris
Pump Stands – Pump stands raise your device above the bottom of the liner. This elevation protects your device from any silt or sediment that settles on the bottom of the pit
Discharge Line Protection – Sump pump discharge lines can freeze during the winter. Discharge line protection keeps lines running despite clogging or cold temperatures
Battery Backup – Backup batteries for your device keep things running even when the power fails

Waterproof Your Basement | The Basement Doctor


Lastly, we walk you through each problem and our solutions. Our professional foundation repair experts in Columbus, OH, can help you make the best decision for your home and your wallet. Whatever questions you have, we are ready to answer.

Cracked basement walls? Leaning foundation? Contact our highly-skilled foundation team at The Basement Doctor at 614-488-8324 today to schedule a FREE home inspection. Financing options are also available!

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